What is A/B Testing?


Through research, advanced optimization techniques, and expert insight, we can typically implement an effective online marketing plan for any industry. However, sometimes, we need more. Sometimes, it helps to have additional data to confirm we’re on the right track. This is where A/B testing can make a difference.  

If you’re not familiar with A/B testing, let’s get started with the basics.

What is A/B testing?

A/B testing is a way of experimenting with two different variations on a website and determining which one is the most effective. It allows marketers to make changes to a website, and then test the new elements against the current design to determine which produces the best results.

Why should I use A/B testing?

A/B testing gives businesses an opportunity to compare the performance of one element against another. You can also use A/B testing to measure the performance of two differnt landing pages. For instance, you can design two versions of a landing page. Each page has the same goal, but has something that differentiates it, such as written content or a design element.

A/B testing software manages the displays of these two pages to different sets of visitors. It will track which page has a higher conversion rate (more sales, increased calls, etc.) By comparing the two pages results you can determine which is the most effective at producing conversions.

Is A/B testing worth the time and money?

A/B testing provides clear data about which website content and designs elements deliver the best results for your business. With this data, you can rest assured knowing that your website is optimized to meet your business goals. Ultimately, this enables you to grow your business more quickly and efficiently by turning an increased number of website visitors into paying customers.

What are the most popular A/B testing tools?

Optimizely and Visual Website Optimizer (VWO) are, by far, the most prominent vendors for small to mid-size businesses.

In an upcoming blog post, we’re going to provide an overview of Optimizely and VWO and share the benefits of each tool. In the meantime, please contact us if you would like to learn more about how A/B testing can help to optimize your website and move you closer to your business goals.

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