by Results Repeat | Jun 15, 2021 | Google Ads, PPC Advertising
You’ve heard it time and time again: Google Ads are an inexpensive way to reach new interested audiences! That sounds fantastic on the surface but what many consider “inexpensive” is not realistic when it comes to the marketing budgets of many small businesses. If a...
by Adam Beal | Mar 25, 2020 | SEO
What is Google Site Kit? Site Kit is a WordPress plugin developed by Google. Site Kit provides users with an easy solution for the integration and management of Google’s website performance and analytic tools from a centralized location in the WordPress dashboard. The...
by Results Repeat | May 26, 2014 | Google Ads, PPC Advertising
Google Call Extensions add your phone numbers to your Google AdWords ads. Calls made cost the same as clicks. They increase the number of phone call conversions, and make them easier to track. Using Google Call Extensions is considered a best practice. But is it...